Trevor Rudge was born a while ago in a town that dares not mention it's name, if it could mention it's name it would mumble it in low, threatening tones, before pulling a knife on you.
Trevor started writing 'serious stuff' a while ago, but it made people laugh. In a previous life he wrote serious business reports and they made people laugh. He took the hint and started to intentionally write 'funny stuff', which sometimes makes people laugh. His objective in life is to only make people laugh, more often, intentionally.
Trevor now spends his mornings in coffee shops and afternoons in high end public houses, looking like one of those people you think might be a writer. In fact, when someone once asked him if he was a writer, Trevor paused, thought about it for a moment and said "Yes". Trevor doesn't call himself a 'writer' any longer. Since receiving his first payment for his work (£2.82), he started calling himself a 'Professional Comedy Writer'.
Since starting to intentionally write 'funny stuff', Trevor has had material used on TV, Radio, Stage and Podcast.